help > subjects specific exclusion masks
May 27, 2016  08:05 AM | Alain Imaging
subjects specific exclusion masks
Hi everybody,

For my analysis I would like to use an explicit mask (i.e. an image), but one that is specific for each subject (it is a mask that has been calculated excluding the voxels with unreliable signal).
I see that in the CONN option one can chose to use an explicit mask, groupwise, or using a single subject mask, that is an implicit one (I guess in a similar fashion that the same option in SPM).
Is there a way to use a subject specific explicit mask ?

Thank in advance for any help


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subjects specific exclusion masks
Alain Imaging May 27, 2016
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon May 28, 2016
Robert Claar Sep 9, 2024