help > Multiple covariates and scanner-correction
Nov 3, 2016  02:11 PM | Jiri van Bergen - UZH Zurich
Multiple covariates and scanner-correction
Dear CONN users,

I am a bit confused how to enter my between-subjects contrasts.
I have 2 linear measures (Iron and Amyloid) but not all subjects were acquired on the same MRI system (8 channel vs 32 channel coil) so I should correct for that. Therefore I created a covariate ScannerType with '1' or '2' depending on which system they were scanned on.

1) How do I investigate if there is an effect of Iron*Amyloid while correcting for ScannerType?

2) Some subjects are special (very high age), how would I do separate analyses for this group?
Do I need to create separate IronOld and AmyloidOld covariates?

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Multiple covariates and scanner-correction
Jiri van Bergen Nov 3, 2016
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Nov 4, 2016
Dilip Kumar Jun 25, 2021
Himanshu Joshi Jan 12, 2017
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jan 27, 2017
Himanshu Joshi Jan 25, 2017
Jiri van Bergen Nov 7, 2016