help > RE: Multiple covariates and scanner-correction
Nov 7, 2016  11:11 AM | Jiri van Bergen - UZH Zurich
RE: Multiple covariates and scanner-correction
Thank you! This helps a lot!

Just for my understanding: 
AllSubjects, Iron, Amyloid, and IronAmyloid and enter a [0 0 0 1] between-subjects contrast

Why do we write a 0 for Iron and Amyloid?
From the documentation of CONN it never became truly clear to me what a '0' really means.
I interpreted it as: We include this covariate in the design matrix in order to let it explain variances in the data, but it's not part of the statistical test for significance.

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Jiri van Bergen Nov 3, 2016
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Nov 4, 2016
Dilip Kumar Jun 25, 2021
Himanshu Joshi Jan 12, 2017
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jan 27, 2017
Himanshu Joshi Jan 25, 2017
RE: Multiple covariates and scanner-correction
Jiri van Bergen Nov 7, 2016