help > How is scrubbing implemented in conn?
Mar 22, 2017  10:03 AM | Sascha Froelich
How is scrubbing implemented in conn?
Dear all,

can anyone tell me how scrubbing is implemented in conn? As far as I understand, scrubbing refers to the removal of frames and their replacement by interpolated data. Based on which measure are frames scrubbed? And how is said interpolation computed? Does scrubbing use the spectral decomposition of the remaining uncensored data to interpolate the "replacement data"?

Where in the preprocessing-folder can I see which volumes were scrubbed?

EDIT: I realize that scrubbing is based on the ART-toolbox ( However, I cannot seem to find out what method the toolbox uses for scrubbing. The manual does not elaborate on that.




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How is scrubbing implemented in conn?
Sascha Froelich Mar 22, 2017
Sascha Froelich Mar 23, 2017
Mary Newsome Apr 15, 2019
Jeff Browndyke Mar 22, 2017