help > RE: How is scrubbing implemented in conn?
Mar 22, 2017 01:03 PM | Jeff Browndyke
RE: How is scrubbing implemented in conn?
Hi, Sascha.
My understanding is that CONN does not "scrub" data in the traditional sense. What you are describing sounds like frame-wise displacement to correct for bad data points. CONN, though use of ART detect, actually accounts for the bad data points and then includes those bad data point time courses and movement time courses as nuisance regressors during the denoising procedure. Those bad data points via CONN processing are probably better described as being "censored" from the data as opposed to "scrubbed." It is an important distinction because data is not being inserted or interpolated with CONN, which makes decisions about things like the maximal amount of total signal noise allowable important or the ratio of good to bad time points allowable for a subject.
Hope this helps,
My understanding is that CONN does not "scrub" data in the traditional sense. What you are describing sounds like frame-wise displacement to correct for bad data points. CONN, though use of ART detect, actually accounts for the bad data points and then includes those bad data point time courses and movement time courses as nuisance regressors during the denoising procedure. Those bad data points via CONN processing are probably better described as being "censored" from the data as opposed to "scrubbed." It is an important distinction because data is not being inserted or interpolated with CONN, which makes decisions about things like the maximal amount of total signal noise allowable important or the ratio of good to bad time points allowable for a subject.
Hope this helps,
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Title | Author | Date |
Sascha Froelich | Mar 22, 2017 | |
Sascha Froelich | Mar 23, 2017 | |
Mary Newsome | Apr 15, 2019 | |
Jeff Browndyke | Mar 22, 2017 | |