help > Selecting Voxel Mask
Nov 20, 2018  04:11 PM | Adam Weinberger - Georgetown University
Selecting Voxel Mask

I am sure this a rather simple question, but I am having trouble finding the answer... 

During the batch setup phase, users can specify whether they want to use an explicit or implicit (subject-specific) voxel mask. What is the "default" way these options are handled by conn? I have previously used subject-specific masks, but am now wondering whether this was "correct." Just to clarify - is the implicit mask created during the SPM/conn preprocessing steps? Or would this be something I would have needed to obtain elsewhere (i.e., via Freesurfer)? Broadly speaking, if I have functional and structural data for a fairly large sample size, which option would make more sense?

Thank you,


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Selecting Voxel Mask
Adam Weinberger Nov 20, 2018
Zaeem Hadi Oct 3, 2020