help > Exporting CONN 3D model with blobs e.g. to make a GIF
Mar 19, 2019  01:03 PM | lysander - University of Cambridge
Exporting CONN 3D model with blobs e.g. to make a GIF
Dear Alfonso and others, 

First of all, thank you very much for the great tool that CONN is - so intuitive and versatile!

Among the functions I appreciate a lot about the latest versions, is the 3D rendering that is possible. Now, with the way that we publish continuously changing, I was wondering whether there is a way to extract the 3D model, with semi-transparent surfaces, my regions of FC and my ROI on it from the viewer or directly from MATLAB? In an ideal case, I would like to make a rotatable 3D rendering for use outside of CONN - be that in an actual viewer or just to make a GIF of it. 

Any help or hints from all of you are much appreciated.
All the best,

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Exporting CONN 3D model with blobs e.g. to make a GIF
lysander Mar 19, 2019
lysander May 7, 2019
George Carpenter Aug 4, 2019
Stephen L. Aug 7, 2019