help > RE: Exporting CONN 3D model with blobs e.g. to make a GIF
Aug 7, 2019  09:08 PM | Stephen L. - Coma Science Group, GIGA-Consciousness, Hospital & University of Liege
RE: Exporting CONN 3D model with blobs e.g. to make a GIF
Another alternative is to rotate manually the 3D view while recording using a 3D recording software like Bandicam in High FPS (60 FPS) setting. However, you will need a dedicated GPU discrete card, otherwise CONN visualization is extremely slow when it's relying only on CPU.

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lysander Mar 19, 2019
lysander May 7, 2019
George Carpenter Aug 4, 2019
RE: Exporting CONN 3D model with blobs e.g. to make a GIF
Stephen L. Aug 7, 2019