help > only load a subset of seeds/rois in ROI-to-ROI or graph theory results explorer?
Jul 31, 2019  07:07 AM | fred Sampedro
only load a subset of seeds/rois in ROI-to-ROI or graph theory results explorer?
Dear CoNN users,

First and foremost, thank you very much for this incredible toolbox.

I usually run through a batch script the default conn pipeline with a lot of subjects and a lot of seeds/ROIs (>600). I have several questions:

1) After preprocessing, I usually like to investigate second-level analysis only in a subset of seeds/ROIS (say 10-20). However, no matter which contrast I enter or which subset of seeds I select in the second-level tab, every time I enter the ROI-to-ROI explorer or the graph-theory results explorer, it takes an insane amount of time only to load the initial panel, since it loads/processes all 600 seeds. Is there a way to tell CoNN to open ROI-to-ROI or graph-theory results explorer only considering a subset of seeds?

2) Alternatively, after I have preprocessed and first-leveled all subjects, can I remove for second-level purposes a subset of seeds? (say for a particular study I am only interested in 20 seeds from the 600 I have preprocessed).

3) Finally, I know it has been asked but just want to confirm how to merge two conn projects in conn18a. Both projects were run through exactly the same batch script and the same conn version, but one has say 50 subjects and the other 20. How could I come up with a single project of 70 subjects? Will subjects1...50 be the ones from the first project and subject s51...70 be from the second project?

Thanks a lot in advance!!

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only load a subset of seeds/rois in ROI-to-ROI or graph theory results explorer?
fred Sampedro Jul 31, 2019
Pravesh Parekh Jul 31, 2019
fred Sampedro Aug 9, 2019