help > How to extract connectivity values (ROI-to-ROI between groups) for every group even if the difference is not significant?
Mar 2, 2021  11:03 AM | Till Langhammer - Humboldt University Berlin
How to extract connectivity values (ROI-to-ROI between groups) for every group even if the difference is not significant?
Hello Collegues!

I am comparing several groups  (different anxiety disorders) with healthy controls. Group 1 (healthy) and 2 (all patients) differ in connectivity X, just like group 1 and 3 (specific phobia). Group 1 does not differ to group 4(panic) and 5(social phobia...

Now, I want to explore the results and look for tendencies. Therefore I would like to show a bar chart of connectivity values from the groups for connectivity x

y-axis - connectivity x (Insula - Thalamus)
x-axis group

in the results folder I only find F, T, Effectsize and p for all the models. I used the following command:

x = conn_process('results_roi');

In this struct I do not find the connectivity values. Does somebody know where I can find those????

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How to extract connectivity values (ROI-to-ROI between groups) for every group even if the difference is not significant?
Till Langhammer Mar 2, 2021
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Mar 4, 2021
Till Langhammer Mar 5, 2021
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Mar 11, 2021
hangzhang Mar 2, 2021