help > RE: How to extract connectivity values (ROI-to-ROI between groups) for every group even if the difference is not significant?
Mar 4, 2021  11:03 PM | Alfonso Nieto-Castanon - Boston University
RE: How to extract connectivity values (ROI-to-ROI between groups) for every group even if the difference is not significant?
Hi Till,

If you want to do that directly from the GUI you may:

1) define an analysis that looks at any differences between the individual groups (i.e. all of the subject-groups defined without overlap)

2) in the results explorer GUI, select the 'display extended stats' checkbox if you want to look at individual connections, and then click on the 'plot effects' button (the one with an image that looks like bar-plots)

3) in the resulting GUI, select 'View -> Select ROIs' to look at each individual connection (e.g. Insula - Thalamus), and that will show you the average connectivity values (and error bars with 90% confidence intervals) for the selected connections and within each group

If you prefer to do that programmatically, you may start with step (1) but selecting instead the 'Any effects (F-contrast)' between-subjects contrast so that the effect-sizes match the values that you want to measure (average connectivity within each individual group), and then, in the resulting ROI.mat file within the second-level results folder the ROI(i).h(k,j) variable will contain the average connectivity value between the i-th and j-th ROIs within the k-th group. 

Hope this helps
Originally posted by Till Langhammer:
Hello Collegues!

I am comparing several groups  (different anxiety disorders) with healthy controls. Group 1 (healthy) and 2 (all patients) differ in connectivity X, just like group 1 and 3 (specific phobia). Group 1 does not differ to group 4(panic) and 5(social phobia...

Now, I want to explore the results and look for tendencies. Therefore I would like to show a bar chart of connectivity values from the groups for connectivity x

y-axis - connectivity x (Insula - Thalamus)
x-axis group

in the results folder I only find F, T, Effectsize and p for all the models. I used the following command:

x = conn_process('results_roi');

In this struct I do not find the connectivity values. Does somebody know where I can find those????

Threaded View

Till Langhammer Mar 2, 2021
RE: How to extract connectivity values (ROI-to-ROI between groups) for every group even if the difference is not significant?
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Mar 4, 2021
Till Langhammer Mar 5, 2021
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Mar 11, 2021
hangzhang Mar 2, 2021