help > RE: Second Level Analysis' Output Files
Nov 4, 2021  03:11 PM | Alfonso Nieto-Castanon - Boston University
RE: Second Level Analysis' Output Files
Hi Mor,

The only difference is in the context of repeated measure analyses (when you are evaluating multiple conditions and your 'between-conditions' contrast is a matrix, instead of simply a vector). In those cases, SPM approach uses univariate statistics combined with reML covariance estimation to deal with repeated measures, while CONN approach uses multivariate statistics to deal with repeated measures, so they will produce (slightly) different statistics (see for a few more details)

Hope this helps
Originally posted by mor_fine:
Hi Alfonso,
Thank you for your answer.

I have a follow up question; 
What is the difference between the files "spmT_": T-statistics map (univariate analysis, generated by SPM), and "spmF_mv": T/F-statistic map (multivariate analyses, generated by CONN)?


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mor_fine Oct 28, 2021
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Oct 29, 2021
mor_fine Oct 31, 2021
RE: Second Level Analysis' Output Files
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Nov 4, 2021