help > RE: Define contrasts for gPPI
Mar 29, 2022  05:03 PM | omaomae - Georgetown University
RE: Define contrasts for gPPI
Dear Jette (and Lisa)

I can probably answer that. This seems to be a change in the GUI for the updated toolbox, where the default option only gives you the weighted-GLM analysis type. If you're on the Analyses (1st-level) tab and pan over to the side to click "new", you should be able to select the gPPI analysis option. Hope that answers your question.


Originally posted by Jette de Vos:
Dear Alfonso, dear all,

I also encounter the problem that, when using the newest version of the CONN toolbox, I only see the "connectivity glm" option, and not the "gPPI" option in the CONN GUI. If I use an older version (e.g. conn19), the gPPI option is given.
Do I need to run the gPPI differently in the newest (conn21) version? Or is there another reason why this is not working?

Best whishes,
Attachment: connhelp.png

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rosenkohl Feb 10, 2022
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Feb 13, 2022
Jette de Vos Mar 29, 2022
RE: Define contrasts for gPPI
omaomae Mar 29, 2022
Jette de Vos Mar 30, 2022