help > CONN 2nd level analysis help
Jun 6, 2024  07:06 PM | Zakia Ben Youss - NYU
CONN 2nd level analysis help


I have questions regarding the 2nd level analysis in SBC. 

1. Why does the Age group1 Scores [0 0 1] gives different results from AllSubj Age group1 scores [0 0 0 1]. I undestand that the warning is due to the age being overdefined since my subject list contains more groups than just group1 and group2. I have the results for both, and [0 0 0 1] gives me more significant clusters with p-unc 0.005. Which contrast should I use?

2. To check the effect of Scores for each group, I am using Allsubj Age group1 Scores [0 0 0 1], then the same for group2. 
 I noticed that for the same seed, I was getting the same cluster for both analysis (same MNI coordinates) 
However, when camparing the REX values for the group1 Scores effect and group2 Scores effect, I noticed that it is done for all the subjects and the values are different between the REX files when comparing a each subject. Why is that?

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CONN 2nd level analysis help
Zakia Ben Youss Jun 6, 2024
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jun 13, 2024
Zakia Ben Youss Jul 15, 2024