help > RE: CONN 2nd level analysis help
Jul 15, 2024  10:07 PM | Zakia Ben Youss - NYU
RE: CONN 2nd level analysis help

Thank you so much for the reply! I managed to use the model and now I am moving to other models. 

I want to find clusters which are different between controls and group1 and correlate to memory scores. I used the model below. Can you please confirm that this model is correct? 

Subject(controls and group1 only),memory_scores*Control, memory_scores*group1 
with contrast (0   -1   1)

I also want to find clusters which are different in FC between controls and group1 while controlling for Age. Which model is correct?

1. Subject(controls and group1 only), Age*Control , Age*Group1
with contrast (0 -1  1)

2. Control, group1, Age
 with contrast (1 -1 0 )

- Zakia

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Zakia Ben Youss Jun 6, 2024
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jun 13, 2024
RE: CONN 2nd level analysis help
Zakia Ben Youss Jul 15, 2024