open-discussion > [Error in ShapeAnalysisModule within Slicer3]
Jul 27, 2011  06:07 AM | Jeongsik Kim
[Error in ShapeAnalysisModule within Slicer3]
Hi everyone,

I have a question about an runtime error in ShapeAnalysisModule within Slicer3.
Sylvia Hon and Beatriz Paniagua already mentioned for a similar problem "MeshMath error in ShapeAnalysisModule".
When I encountered it, I read Beatriz Paniagua's post,
And then I tried the following steps, but I couldn't solve the problem.
now, I give my trials to let you know what the situation is.
1) As prerequiste step, I did run the individual commands
    (SetPostProcess, GenParaMesh and ParaToSPHARMMesh).
I confirmed that all of them worked well in the command line. 
2) Then I did run "ShapeAnalysisModule" within Slicer3 by following the tutorial referred in NITRC site.
- input folder: set to "/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisModule_TutorialData"
- output folder: set to "/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results"

the follwing error occured:
 Computing ShapeAnalysisModule...

 192 // I think it were generated.
 Number of Datas: 4
  Executing BatchMake...
 Cannot open file:
// I confirmed that it were generated but cannot be found.
  Executing BatchMake: Done!

 Execute Meshmath...

 Error: Could not run MeshMath: // it is because the prior error
 No such file or directory
For the first error,
I don't know the file, "". Which role does it play ?
I found it in the Slicer3 folder.

My working directory is "/usr/local/bin". there are "spharm" and "Slicer3" folders.
And the "tutorial_data" folder locates in "/usr/local/bin/spharm folder"
I don't understand why "ShapeAnalysisModule_id26038 were generated in Slicer3 folder.
I would really like to get any information or tips to solve it.

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[Error in ShapeAnalysisModule within Slicer3]
Jeongsik Kim Jul 27, 2011
Beatriz Paniagua Jul 27, 2011
Jeongsik Kim Jul 28, 2011
Beatriz Paniagua Jul 29, 2011
Jeongsik Kim Jul 28, 2011