open-discussion > Results/Output
Oct 11, 2011  03:10 PM | Sylvia Hon

After the SPHARM-PDM and ShapeMANCOVA, I have result outputs that allow me to check (using KWMeshVisu) correspondence of the meshes generated. After the Hotelling T2 computations, I can see the significant hotspots from the absolute magnitude difference between the mean surfaces of 2 groups and the vector field of magnitude change, visually.

How would I go about it if I want to get some range of values of the location of the significant spots or other numerical data that would be meaningful to shape-surface changes of a specific healthy vs. diseased organ cases instead of just looking at a vector map or magnitude map and comment visually.

Thank you!


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Sylvia Hon Oct 11, 2011
Sylvia Hon Oct 13, 2011
Beatriz Paniagua Oct 20, 2011
Beatriz Paniagua Oct 12, 2011