help > RE: Graph-theory in conn
Jul 10, 2012  05:07 PM | Igor M
RE: Graph-theory in conn
Thanks a lot, Alfonso!

I am not sure what I had the cost function set to last time, but I bumped it up to 0.4 and got a nice ".network" file with all the measures. Your help was very valuable.

One more question.

(1) If I do want to compare measures between groups, should I set the contrasts to the following:
Between-subjects: [1, -1]
Between-conditions: 1
Between-sources: 1

Additionally, I would also need second-level covariates called "Control" and "Patient" and these should be set to [1 1 0 0] and [0 0 1 1] for four participants who are [Control, Control, Patient, Patient].

Is this correct? I think it should be, but don't want to incorrectly assume anything.
- IM


One more question. 

How can I use the AAL template provided here with conn? When using the "ROI_MNI_V4.nii" file there is an error message saying that "ROI_MNI_V4.txt" is not in the correct format.

How exactly should the label file be formatted?

I tried to figure out the correct formatting based on BA.txt but couldn't.

1 (L). Primary Somatosensory Cortex
1 (R). Primary Somatosensory Cortex
10 (L). Anterior Prefrontal Cortex
10 (R). Anterior Prefrontal Cortex

What do the numbers in the left column match up with? There are no voxels with those values in BA.img.

EDIT#2: I think I figured it out. Is the labeling based on line number within BA.txt (i.e. (L)Primary Somatosensory Cortex has a voxel intensity of 1, (R)Primary Somatosensory Cortex has a voxel intensity of 2, (L). Anterior Prefrontal Cortex is 3)?
Do you have a correctly labeled AAL template? It would save me a lot of time if I could avoid having to relabel all 90 regions.


Originally posted by Alfonso Nieto-Castanon:
Hi Igor,

You are right that the 'results' tab is for second-level analyses (to perform inferences about the population) so it requires multiple subjects. In any particular analysis, beta values represent effect sizes, T-values are the statistics, p-unc represent the false positive level of each individual test, and p-FDR represents the false discovery rate (a correction of the false positive level to account for multiple comparisons). All of these values depend on the actual contrasts that you choose for your second-level analyses. If you want to explore manually the graph-theory measures (e.g. global efficiency) for each subject 'export data' will create a .csv and a .network file with this information (the .network file can be loaded directly from matlab; the only reason I can think that would result in this files being 'empty' would be if you are using an overly conservative adjacency matrix threshold). If you want to explore the ROI-to-ROI connectivity matrix manually question 14 in the FAQ  ( should point you in the right direction.

Hope this helps

Originally posted by Igor M:
It looks like I solved the above problem by running an analysis with 2 participants instead of just 1.

Results are now showing up in the "Network theory" window.

My question now is how to interpret these.

What are the "beta, T, p-unc, and p-FDR" values related to?
Are these based on the contrast that was set up in the "second-level Results" window?

What if I just want to look at the Global efficiency of a network based on all nodes and don't want a group contrast?
How do you display the actual parameters (i.e. actual "global efficiency")?
How do you display the correlation matrix between ROIs?

"Export data" creates one .csv file and a .dl file per subject, but these files are all empty for some reason.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Igor M Jul 9, 2012
Igor M Jul 9, 2012
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jul 10, 2012
RE: Graph-theory in conn
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