help > Preprocessing and differing number of slices
Mar 18, 2013  07:03 PM | Daniel Fitzgerald
Preprocessing and differing number of slices
Dear Conn forum,

We've been using the (excellent) conn toolbox to look at resting state fMRI data, but have run into a couple of issues:

1) We have some data where a few subjects have a different number of slices (40 instead of 43 for the rest of the group). When we try to do the setup from the wizard, it comes back asking for the order of only 40 slices and then only passes through one subject to the next step. How can we fully process data that varies in slice number with the wizard?

2) Quite often we have already looked at a number of subjects and want to set up a different analysis without redoing the preprocessing (within CONN) from scratch. In this case, should we be using the basic setup screen and entering swra* files? Does this still properly grab motion parameters? Also, which structural image should be chosen when entering already preprocessed data?

Thank you and keep up the great work with this toolbox.

Daniel Fitzgerald -
University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Psychiatry
Mood and Anxiety Disorders Research Program

Threaded View

Preprocessing and differing number of slices
Daniel Fitzgerald Mar 18, 2013
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Mar 20, 2013
Daniel Fitzgerald Apr 22, 2014
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Apr 22, 2014
Daniel Fitzgerald Apr 16, 2013
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon May 24, 2013