Automatic Registration Toolbox

ATRA software for fully automated, fast, reliable, unbiased and inverse-consistent registration of within-subject multiple T1-weighted structural MRI brain volumes.

ART `acpcdetect' program for automatic detection of the AC and PC landmarks and the mid-sagittal plane on 3D structural MRI scans.

ART `brainwash' program for automatic multi-atlas skull-stripping of 3D structural MRI scans.

ART `3dwarper' program of non-linear inter-subject registration of 3D structural MRI scans.

Software (art2) for linear rigid-body intra-subject inter-modality (MRI-PET) image registration.

Data resource: The ART projects makes available corpus callosum segmentations of 316 normal subjects from the OASIS cross-sectional database

ART `yuki' program for fast, robust, and fully automatic segmentation of the corpus callosum on 3D structural MRI scans.

ART 'kaiba' program: estimates the hippocampal parenchymal fraction (HPF) from 3D T1W MRI.

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