help > Setup Pipeline error: "mismatched dimensions"
Apr 5, 2017  12:04 PM | Sascha Froelich
Setup Pipeline error: "mismatched dimensions"

I preprocessed my data with conn successfully. Then I wanted to proceed to the "Setup" step: I clicked "Done", then tried to run the default Setup pipeline, upon which I received the following two error messages for every subject:
ERROR: Subject XXX Session 1 first-level covariate realignment mismatched dimensions (250 rows, while functional data has 245 scans; the number of rows of a first-level covariate should equal the number of scans for this subject/session)

ERROR: Subject XXX Session 1 first-level covariate scrubbing mismatched dimensions (250 rows, while functional data has 245 scans; the number of rows of a first-level covariate should equal the number of scans for this subject/session)

This is my preprocessing pipeline (in order):
-functional Slice-time correction
-functional Realignment&Unwarp
-functional Center to (0,0,0) coordinates
-structural Center to (0,0,0) coordinates
-functional coregistration to structural
-structural segmentation&normalization
-functional normalization
-functional outlier detection (ART-based scrubbing)
-functional smoothing
-functional removal of initial scans (first 5 scans)

Due to the apparent lack of 5 scans I thought the problem might be due to my last preprocessing step (removal of first 5 functional scans). But then why would conn offer this preprocessing option if it were not able to further process the resulting data?

I am using CONN v.16.b

What is the problem here?



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Setup Pipeline error: "mismatched dimensions"
Sascha Froelich Apr 5, 2017
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Apr 5, 2017
Raoul Hernandez Jul 28, 2022
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Aug 1, 2022
Raoul Hernandez Aug 3, 2022
Raoul Hernandez Aug 20, 2022
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Aug 29, 2022
Matti Gärtner Apr 28, 2017
Sascha Froelich Apr 11, 2017