help > RE: Lesion Segmentation
Jan 22, 2019 02:01 PM | Jeff Browndyke
RE: Lesion Segmentation
Hi, Matthew. Are you talking about white matter lesions or
gray matter? The aCompCor method in CONN regresses out white
matter and CSF from the functional connectivity signal as part of
the denoting process. As long as white matter lesions are not
being falsely segmented as gray matter, then you shouldn't have any
problems. I know that CAT12 has options to detect and either
reassign white matter lesions as white matter or as its own tissue
class. In theory, though I haven't tried it yet, you should
be able to import the CAT12 white matter segmentations (those with
lesions assigned to white matter) into CONN at the setup stage.
This should allow any lesion-related signal to be regressed
out with the normal white matter during the denoising stage.
If, on the other hand, you are talking about gray matter lesions or encephalomalacia, then there I believe you will need to alter the analysis brain mask in the setup options. I haven't come upon this problem yet in our patient data, so I really can't speak to how to implement that change in CONN. Using the example above with the tissue segmentations, I guess one could assign a lesion area to the white matter or CSF tissue type mask for that person, which (I think) would exclude that lesioned gray matter area from contributing to the non-regressed signal.
Hope this helps, though admittedly I'm a bit shaky on the correction possibilities myself (other than how we handle the white matter lesions).
Warm regards,
Originally posted by Matthew Heard:
If, on the other hand, you are talking about gray matter lesions or encephalomalacia, then there I believe you will need to alter the analysis brain mask in the setup options. I haven't come upon this problem yet in our patient data, so I really can't speak to how to implement that change in CONN. Using the example above with the tissue segmentations, I guess one could assign a lesion area to the white matter or CSF tissue type mask for that person, which (I think) would exclude that lesioned gray matter area from contributing to the non-regressed signal.
Hope this helps, though admittedly I'm a bit shaky on the correction possibilities myself (other than how we handle the white matter lesions).
Warm regards,
Originally posted by Matthew Heard:
Hi Jeff,
Any luck solving using lesion masks in CONN? I saw elsewhere on this forum that you need to modify the TPM.nii file, but I haven't found any sources on how to do so:
So far, all I have found is a paper demonstrating that masking a lesion is crucial to analyzing functional connectivity in a brain with a lesion:
Any luck solving using lesion masks in CONN? I saw elsewhere on this forum that you need to modify the TPM.nii file, but I haven't found any sources on how to do so:
So far, all I have found is a paper demonstrating that masking a lesion is crucial to analyzing functional connectivity in a brain with a lesion:
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Title | Author | Date |
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Jeff Browndyke | Apr 18, 2018 | |
Matthew Heard | Jan 21, 2019 | |
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Jeff Browndyke | Jan 22, 2019 | |