help > error during Step 5/7: Importing ROI Data
Apr 7, 2020 07:04 AM | Marianna La Rocca - USC
error during Step 5/7: Importing ROI Data
During the import of the ROI data (before seeing the denoting gui) I have this error:
Error using conn_process (line 760)
No suprathreshold voxels in ROI file /ifs/loni/postdocs/mlarocca/fMRI_study/sMRI/wc3c3_*t1mprage.nii after erosion (original file contained 3674 suprathreshold voxels)
Error in conn_process (line 16)
case 'setup', conn_disp(['CONN: RUNNING SETUP STEP']); conn_process([0:4,4.5,5]);
Error in conn (line 5463)
else conn_process(processname); ispending=false;
Error in conn_menumanager (line 120)
SPM12 + DEM FieldMap LST MEEGtools
Matlab v.2019b
project: CONN19.b
storage: 5841323.5Gb available
I also tried to remove that 16th subject but I had the same problem with the 17th (the new 16th subject)
Could you help me to understand how to fix this problem?
Thank you,
Marianna La Rocca
During the import of the ROI data (before seeing the denoting gui) I have this error:
Error using conn_process (line 760)
No suprathreshold voxels in ROI file /ifs/loni/postdocs/mlarocca/fMRI_study/sMRI/wc3c3_*t1mprage.nii after erosion (original file contained 3674 suprathreshold voxels)
Error in conn_process (line 16)
case 'setup', conn_disp(['CONN: RUNNING SETUP STEP']); conn_process([0:4,4.5,5]);
Error in conn (line 5463)
else conn_process(processname); ispending=false;
Error in conn_menumanager (line 120)
SPM12 + DEM FieldMap LST MEEGtools
Matlab v.2019b
project: CONN19.b
storage: 5841323.5Gb available
I also tried to remove that 16th subject but I had the same problem with the 17th (the new 16th subject)
Could you help me to understand how to fix this problem?
Thank you,
Marianna La Rocca
Threaded View
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