help > RE: error during Step 5/7: Importing ROI Data
Apr 7, 2020  07:04 PM | Marianna La Rocca - USC
RE: error during Step 5/7: Importing ROI Data
I checked and run again the preprocessing of one image and I still have c1c* c2c* c3c* c4c* c5c files and for the tissues 1 2  4 and 5 I don't have the c1* c2* and c4* and c5* files . What are these files? It doesn't look like I do twice the same preprocessing steps because I checked and I just used the default preprocessing pipeline (see attached screenshot). For tissue 3, I have much more output files (y_c3_*, iy_c3*.nii , *seg8.mat and so on) that for the other tissues I don't have. What is the problem?

Could you help me out?

Thank you,


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Marianna La Rocca Apr 7, 2020
Marianna La Rocca Apr 11, 2020
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Apr 11, 2020
Marianna La Rocca Apr 13, 2020
Pravesh Parekh Apr 7, 2020
Marianna La Rocca Apr 7, 2020
RE: error during Step 5/7: Importing ROI Data
Marianna La Rocca Apr 7, 2020
Marianna La Rocca Apr 7, 2020
Pravesh Parekh Apr 8, 2020