help > RE: Graph theory in conn
Sep 1, 2011  09:09 AM | Alfonso Nieto-Castanon - Boston University
RE: Graph theory in conn
Dear Conny,
Yes, when you click on 'export data' in addition to the binary matrices (*.dl files containing the adjacency matrices for each subject) you will also get a file named *.results. You can simply load this file into matlab using a syntax like:
   load filename.results -mat
You will find there a structure named 'results', the field named 'results.Z' contains the original matrices of connectivity values for each subject (e.g. if you have 20 nodes and 25 subjects, results.Z will be a 20x20x25 matrix with the Fisher-transformed correlation values; if you want to get the original correlation-coefficient values simply use r=tanh(results.Z) to get the corresponding matrix expressed as correlation coefficients instead). In case you need these, in the 'results' structure you will also find, in addition to the original connectivity matrices ('Z' field), the thresholded matrices ('Z_thr' field), the ROI names ('rois' field), as well as the network-level global and local efficiency and cost values for each subject ('GlobalEfficiency', 'LocalEfficiency', and 'Cost' fields), as well as the ROI-level global and local efficiency and cost values for each subject and ROI ('GlobalEfficiency_roi', 'Localefficiency_roi', and 'Cost_roi' fields).
Hope this helps!

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Conny McCormick Jul 18, 2011
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Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jan 12, 2021
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Conny McCormick Aug 29, 2011
RE: Graph theory in conn
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Sep 1, 2011
Kaitlin Cassady Jun 7, 2017
Christina van den Brink Nov 2, 2016